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The current server version is 1.20.4 which is also the earliest minecraft version you can join with. However, as future minecraft updates come out, you will still be able to join, just don't expect new features such as blocks and mobs to be present. Additionally, we may sometimes migrate the server itself to a newer version to allow for chunk generation using the newer version. (new features!)

What is melonanarchy?

Minecraft anarchy servers often suffer from outdated Minecraft versions and a challenging environment for newcomers due to rampant griefing and cheating, particularly around spawn areas. melonanarchy seeks to address these issues by establishing a well-designed spawn with a radius of approximately 50 blocks. This ensures that players cannot easily grief the spawn or accidentally fall into endless voids created by cheaters, providing a more welcoming experience for new players.

Although melonanarchy does not prohibit cheating and maintains a mostly unmoderated environment, its primary goal is to foster enjoyment, inclusivity, and a cozy, welcoming community. By allowing players to connect using modern Minecraft versions and remaining relatively small and unpopular, the server aims to create a more intimate and friendly gaming experience for its members.

Our origins

We were plunged and conceived by friends as an innocent Minecraft anarchy server in 2021 called "SpotAnarchy", running on legacy hardware and a limited internet connection of only 10 megabits. (very slow!) It was advertised quite well and we accumulated around 10 daily players with an additional cozy Discord community present. However, after only a year and a half of service, SpotAnarchy was discontinued because of declining popularity, high energy costs for the server, and some other factors.

melonanarchy aims to be the rebirth of SpotAnarchy by providing a completely fresh start. Now we are hosted on top notch enterprise hardware with a stable, blazing internet connection and with a new modern touch!
